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Watchaholic aggregates or provides watch auction sold prices, from several different major auction companies. Christie's, Sotheby's, Phillip's Antiquorum, Bohnham's, Heritage. In addition to this, we offer old eBay sales that you can no longer find on their website. As such, you have information about both current and old watch auction results and sales at your disposal. Watchaholic is the go-to platform for watch buyers, sellers, or watch enthusiasts who would like to keep up with the current trends in the watch market. Whether you want to know the brands topping the auction list or the latest watch prices, at Watchaholic we have you covered. The program kicked off in 2017 with the intention to provide watch buyers and sellers the current prices for every watch sold from all the major auction companies. Watchaholic is now an established watch news platform where you can get the information you need about timepieces. We also are always working on making the website user-friendly so that visitors could get the information they’re looking for without much struggle. We put all the watch data fo that buyers and sellers on a single page, and we’ve made the search easier for users. You can search the information you need about a certain type of watch using the brand and reference number. Thais makes quite simple for anyone using the site, including the newbies who just want to learn something about their favorite timepiece. To ensure users get fresh information about watch brands and auction results, we keep an eye on the market to see what’s new and update the information in our site accordingly. We keep improving the website to make it more valuable to you. Moreover, we are open to any suggestions that can make Watchaholic a better place for you. Therefore, feel free to send us a message or feedback that can help us adjust a few things to improve the site. Ever since was launched on July 16, 2020, we’ve achieved significant milestones and we keep upgrading the watch information available on the site, to ensure you get what you’re looking for! Please email us with any questions or suggestions at © 2021